Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Volunteering enhances the college experience...

Today was the annual MU volunteer fair - a great opportunity for us make contact with dozens of students who are looking to share their time. I think back to many years ago when I was going to school and volunteering never crossed my mind. "What? Me? Volunteer? What's that all about?" Of course, at the time I'm sure the whole world revolved around what I wanted to do and not what I could do for others.

Thankfully times and attitudes have changed. Students on all of our campuses and public schools share their time by volunteering. Volunteering can have a big impact for students:
  • Experience for a future job

  • Time to spend with friends

  • An opportunity to learn about Columbia

  • A chance to see the world in a different perspective

I am so thankful for the work students do for us as volunteers and can't wait to meet the new batch. In addition to the great young people at MU I met today, I had a chance to visit with nearly 300 freshman at Stephens College on Friday and Debra Hardin in our office will be at Hickman tomorrow.

Pictured here is Mike Heimos who works with the Public Works Volunteer Program talking with a potential volunteer about their opportunities to help the environment.

Leigh Britt

Monday, August 25, 2008

Step Forward Day

Saturday, August 23 was "Step Forward Day" - an opportunity for MU students to share their time by volunteering before school starts. I had a great morning with five young ladies - Kiara, Kim, Sam, Evan and Maddie. They assisted with an Adopt-A-Spot located on State Farm Parkway near the recycling area. This bed was started by Derek Moeller as an Eagle Scout project and will be taken over by the Master Naturalists.

Under the direction of Jane Fore with the Master Naturalists, we did some lasagna gardening. We laid down newsprint and spread mulch on top. The newsprint will hopefully suffocate the grass and weeds below. We had fun pulling the newspaper out of the recycling bins and asking people for their newsprint. This was recycling at its best!!

Later this fall and next spring, the Master Naturalists will plant the bed with wild flowers. Many thanks to our Step Forward volunteers for their hard work!! Be looking for great things to happen in this spot in the coming months.
Leigh Britt