Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cleanup Columbia on-campus supply pickup

Cleanup Columbia, the city-wide trash pick up event, is coming up this Saturday, April 25. With nearly 200 registered groups (families, businesses, scout troops, service clubs and individuals) participating, the logistics for the event can be daunting! Each group has their own assigned location and receives bags, gloves, and vests for their pick up.
This year, we tried something new - an on-campus supply pick up and sign up at MU on Tuesday, April 21. Thanks to a group of Agricultural Education students, Sustain Mizzou and the MSA Campus Community Relations Committee, we made it happen! Eight groups picked up supplies in front of the new bookstore on Rollins Street and three new groups signed up to help.
Many thanks to Kabel Oaks and his classmates for their special help for this new attempt to get more MU students involved with Cleanup Columbia.